Thought Leadership
On The Eve of the Apocalypse
It was inevitable, I suppose, the same way good dogs get old, Polaroids...
A Long March
True to the proverb, March came in like a lion. As oil prices,...
Will the Next Domino Fall?
My sons like to play with dominoes. Specifically, they like to stand them...
When the Ride Gets Bumpy
Last spring, my wife and I took our daughter to Disney World. We...
A Toast To Mr. Scrooge
For the past seven years, my daughter has played a role in a...
October Surprise
October. The name of the month conjures particularly vivid imagery. Autumn leaves whispering...
Boo or Boon?
Darkness arrives sooner these days. The air is cooler. Our neighborhood is slowly...
Legislative Update: Estate Planning Action To Take Now
Last week, the House Ways and Means Committee released its first draft of...
Severe Blue
I went to dinner last week with a friend who was on his...